My Hip: Questions to Ask a Doctor

  • What does joint preservation mean in your practice?
  • If a reconstruction doctor specializes in joint replacement, that’s working on the bone, and a sports doctor works on the cartilage, ligaments, and tendons, how do either of you save my joint if a good joint needs healthy bone and healthy cartilage, ligaments, and tendons?
  • Aren’t joint injections that use steroids, PRP, stem cells, and viscosupplements just like using a mouthwash without first brushing the teeth? Meaning my joint was not cleaned out before you injected something into it.
  • Does it make sense to clean my joint thoroughly and then inject something into it to help the cartilage heal?
  • If I undergo arthroscopy for a labral tear and CAM or pincer lesion, how is my hip made to fit better in the hip cup (acetabulum)? I am not an athlete, but it feels like my hip is coming out of its socket when I put weight on it. How is this due to a labral tear? If the labrum is not a muscle, how is it providing suction when I am standing on my hip?
  • If my hip feels like it is coming out of its socket when I stand on it, how does shaving some of the cup away, a pincer repair, and fixing the labrum keep it in its socket? Does the pincer repair mean less is actually covering the ball part (femoral head) of my thigh bone? If you remove the excess bone that is considered the pincer lesion, why did the pincer lesion develop? Would you consider the pincer lesion developing because my hip is partially coming out of its socket when I walk on it? I am putting a lot of force on the labrum because the ball part is not fitting in its socket properly? I am not an athlete.
  • Have you ever performed an IA saucerization of the hip? This is extensive cleaning of the fossa in the joint so that the ligamentum teres (the ligament that holds the femoral head in its socket) has room to sit normally in the acetabulum when I walk. Additionally, will you remove a CAM or pincer lesion and perform a labral repair?
  • If my diagnosis is osteoarthritis and I am qualified for hip arthroscopy, aren’t there more problems in my hip than just the labral tear with a CAM or pincer lesion?
  • What is the quality of the bone inside of my femoral head? Is the blood flowing completely through it as it normally should? Is there anything blocking the blood from flowing through the femoral head? How do you address this concern?
  • If you are performing many joint replacements per year, how often are you trying to preserve the joint with hip arthroscopy?
  • What type of incision is better suited for a telemedicine visit after surgery?
  • Is it safer for me to perform home exercises after an IA Saucerization of the hip than to schedule an appointment with a physical therapist?
  • Besides exercising and losing weight if I need to, what other things can I do to assist you in helping me keep the joint I was born with?

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