Patient Stories

The comments made or views expressed in the following videos reflect the experiences and opinions of those involved and do not necessarily represent the opinions of Orthopedic Sciences, Inc. (OSI). These patient testimonials are for information purposes only. They do not represent medical advice of any kind or a recommendation for any medical procedure nor a point of comparison to anything whatsoever, to include dialogue about recognized treatment for Osteoarthritis (OA), Avascular Necrosis (AVN), or Atypical AVN.

The surgeon must always rely on their professional judgment when deciding to use or not use a given OSI product. Orthopaedic patient care is unique to the patient receiving treatment; thus, the surgeon must always refer to the package insert and the instructions before using OSI’s products. Individual results will vary, and not all patients will experience the same outcomes. Product availability is subject to local hospital buying guidelines and the interests of the treating physician, as OSI’s products are Class 1 and Class 2 devices. A physician’s professional opinion may be contradictory to the procedures described in the patient testimonials. That said, the patient testimonial combined with the references on our web page could serve as an opportunity to learn more about OA and AVN at a fundamental level. Untoward or favorable dialogue, on the part of a physician, unsubstantiated by prior surgical experience with any of OSI’s products, is discouraged. To perform an Intraarticular or Intraosseous Saucerization or give opinions thereon, the treating surgeon must first read the references provided to broaden one’s understanding of OA, AVN, and Atypical AVN. Unfavorable outcomes and opinions will follow a failure to do so. Please contact your OSI representative or customer service if you have questions about the availability of products in your area.

Patient images, videos, and testimonials are used only after obtaining written authorization from the patient. None of the patients were compensated for the time they took to share their personal experiences, and background images or scenery considered influential or favorably motivating to a viewer were intentionally avoided.

Patient 1

A 68-year-old female, 2 years on the right and 1 year on the left following Intraarticular Saucerizations with Irrigation Osteoplasties of the knees for OA using the OSI Q Arthroscopy System with Clear Cannula and the Beacon Biomass Bone Graft Harvester and Delivery System. The Biomass Harvester auto-concentrates the bone and bone marrow. The knees are pain-free with normal range of motion. Bone and bone marrow are delivered into the femur to replace the excess fat and oxLDL. This is not the simple injection of a bone marrow aspirate into the joint space. The biology of the bone is restored, and any intraarticular pathology is addressed as well.

Patient 2

A 58-year-old female, 7.5 years following an Intraarticular Saucerization of the right knee. The knee is pain-free with normal range of motion.

Patient 3

A 46-year-old female, 4 years following an Intraarticular Saucerization and Intraosseous Saucerization of the right hip using the Hip Tool. The procedure combines arthroscopy and endoscopically guided core decompression and debridement of the femoral head for Atypical AVN and AVN. The hip is pain-free with normal range of motion.

Patient 4

A 34-year-old female, 5 months following an Intraarticular Saucerization and Intraosseous Saucerization of the right hip using the Hip Tool. The procedure combines arthroscopy and endoscopically guided core decompression and debridement of the femoral head for Atypical AVN and AVN. The hip is pain-free with normal range of motion.

Patient 5

A 52-year-old female, 5 years following an Intraarticular Saucerization and Intraosseous Saucerization of the left hip using the Hip Tool. The procedure combines arthroscopy and endoscopically guided core decompression and debridement of the femoral head for Atypical AVN and AVN. The hip is pain-free with normal range of motion.

Patient 6

An 85-year-old female, 2 weeks following an Intraarticular Saucerization of the right hip using the Q Hip Arthroscopy System. The procedure decompresses the inside of the hip joint in addition to addressing CAM and pincer lesions.

Patient 7

A 37-year-old female, 10 months on the left and 3 months on the right following Intraarticular Saucerizations with Irrigation Osteoplasties of the knees for OA using the OSI Q Arthroscopy System with Clear Cannula and the Beacon Biomass Bone Graft Harvester and Delivery System. The Biomass Harvester auto-concentrates the bone and bone marrow harvested from the hips. The knees are pain-free with normal range of motion. Bone and bone marrow are delivered into the femur to replace the excess fat and oxLDL. This is not the simple injection of a bone marrow aspirate into the joint space. The biology of the bone is restored, and any intraarticular pathology is addressed as well.

Patient 8

A 49-year-old female, 7 years following an Intraosseous Saucerization and left shoulder with arthroscopy for chronic shoulder pain and limited ROM. The procedure comprised arthroscopy followed by thorough debridement and bone grafting of the humeral head. Thus, insufficiency fractures were treated and oxLDL and proinflammatory markers were removed. The shoulder is completely pain-free 7 years following her procedure.

Patient 9

A 46-year-old female, 16 years following an Intraosseous Saucerization of the left shoulder using the TSY Shoulder Plate. The procedure comprised endoscopically-guided core decompression and debridement of the humeral head for Atypical AVN. The patient has returned for simple hardware removal after 16 years. She has saved the shoulder she was born with.

Patient 10

A 59-year-old female, 2 years following an Intraarticular Saucerization and Intraosseous Saucerization of the right hip using the Hip Tool. The procedure combines arthroscopy and endoscopically-guided core decompression and debridement of the femoral head for Atypical AVN and AVN. The hip is pain-free with normal range of motion.

Patient 11

A 48-year-old legally blind woman, 2 months following an Intraarticular Saucerization with Irrigation Osteoplasty of the left shoulder using the OSI Q Arthroscope with Clear Cannula and the Beacon Biomass Bone Graft Harvester and Delivery System. The Biomass Harvester auto-concentrates the bone and bone marrow. The shoulder is pain-free with normal range of motion. Bone and bone marrow are delivered into the humeral head to replace the excess fat and oxLDL. This is not the simple injection of a bone marrow aspirate into the joint space. The biology of the bone is restored, and any intraarticular pathology is addressed during the procedure as well.

3020 Old Ranch Parkway
Suite 325
Seal Beach, CA 90740

(562) 799-5533

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